... Phase I ...
Side 1
1. a) Fanfaren
b) Waidmannsheil? .......... ( 9:02)
2. Nordlaut 1 ....................... ( 8:45)
3. Edelweiß für.... .............. ( 2:57)
Side 2
1. Nordlaut 3 ....................... ( 3:51)
2. Morgenstern-Abendstern* ... (14:38)
3. Zartbitter ......................... ( 2:24)
*Text & Komposition: Thomas Wasiliszczak + Matthias Romann
Klaus Bloch - Gitarren, Bass, Ping Pong System, Glocken, Gong, elektr. Percussion, Kreissägen, Stimme, Mixer und Produktion
Matthias Romann - 12-Saitige akk. Gitarre, Bass, Gong (Morgenstern-Abendstern)
(the guitar is not mentioned on the cover and also the surname is written wrong, sorry from Klaus to Matthias!)
Thomas Wasiliszczak - E-Gitarre, Gong (Morgenstern-Abendstern)
Recorded in Studio Paradiso Feb.-July 1980. Mixed in September.
"Nordlaut 1 + 3" are Live from Spektakel '80.
All titles by Klaus Bloch, but not "Morgenstern-Abendstern".